• Feedback on the MNM Questionnaire

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      Greg Kelsall
  • In the previous two MNM newsletters published in December 2023, we asked for your feedback on the content and frequency of the newsletters. Whilst the number of responses received at just 6 is very low and therefore difficult to draw any meaningful conclusions, I think it is still worthwhile to share the feedback.

    Overall the responses received were very positive which myself, Rhianne and Patrick are pleased about and we thank those who took the time to complete the survey. 80% or more of respondents felt that the bi-weekly frequency, the length of the MNM and the Combustion Industry News (CIN) content was about right. Feedback on the mix of content within the newsletter showed that again, 80% or more value and engage with the CIN articles and also value the IFRF specific updates provided to members via MNM, although the external events notifications seemed to be of less interest.

    One piece of constructive criticism was that the newsletter items are perhaps not ‘supportive’ enough of the combustion community and should reflect more on the economics of CO2 removal and industrial decarbonisation for example. We note this comment and will endeavour to provide such balance, but must also recognise that the CIN is a reflection of global news items in the press and related publications. For my own extended articles, I will aim to additionally look at technical publications via ScienceDirect to provide more scientific combustion related content.

    As I said at the outset of this article on MNM feedback, the sample size is very small and so may not be reflective of the true feelings about the value and content of the newsletter, so this may be something that we aim to cover again in the IFRF Workshop on 21st March.

     In the meantime, if there is more feedback or comments, please send them to IFRF Administration, and I again thank those who took the time to respond to the questionnaire in December 2023.

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