• EFRI Group meets

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      Neil Fricker
  • The European Flame Research Initiative is an outgrowth of the search for a new home for the IFRF in 2006.  An initial meeting of IFRF Members interested in participating in the initiative was held during the 15th Members Conference in Pisa in June 2007.  Subsequently an EU funding proposal to develop a new European Flame Research Infrastructure was submitted for FP7 funding.  Despite achieving a high evaluation score, this proposal was not funded by EC due to lack of funds.  A second meeting of the IFRF’s EFRI Group has therefore been called for Monday 26 January.  The Danish Technical University will host the meeting.  The purpose of the meeting is to further develop the original proposal for an independent cross-European combustion research venture to be coordinated by the IFRF. 

    The EFRI coordinator is Neil Fricker, who can be contacted for further information.  To find out more about this initiative, or to receive more details about the arrangements for the Copenhagen meeting please email Dr. Fricker on this link.


     1. Funding

    • EU Evaluation of FP7 European Flame Research Infrastructure proposal  (LT)
    • Future opportunities to apply for EC funding (Contributions all)
    • Other funding opportunities (Suggestions from all, including national sources)

     2. European Flame Research Initiative – unfunded activities within the IFRF Membership

    • Sharing information on Members test rigs
    • Sharing information on Members flame measurement capabilities (Contributions all – template to be provided)
    • Development of an EFRI Forum and on-line Directories
    • Identification of sub-groups wishing to undertake collaborative research activities

    3. Other matters to be proposed by participants

    To read previous MNM articles on the original EFRI proposal to the EU, go directly to http://www.mnm.ifrf.net/mnm/article.html?aid=714 or use the search facility on the MNM home page at http://www.mnm.ifrf.net/mnm/search.html

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