The IFRF holds its 30th Topic Oriented Technical Meeting
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Peter Roberts
TOTeM30 followed on immediately after the very successful American-Japanese Flame Research Committees’ International Symposium on the subject of “Advances in Combustion Technology – Improving the Environment and Energy Efficiency”. Co-Chairmen Dick Waibel and Susumu Mochida reported very positive feedback from many participants on the quality of the meetings, the choice of location and the relatively strong European participation.
The TOTeM addressed the topic of “CFD Simulation of Combustion Processes” and attracted 50 participants. Dr Christopher Jian of John Zink, and Chairman of TOTeM 30, introduced an international team of seven experts to present their views on a range of aspects of CFD simulation, including the present state of the art, and where CFD simulation should be developed in the short medium and long term, taking into account industrial requirements and legislative drivers.
As usual, the presentations led to a discussion about the direction of and requirements for future research and development. This discussion took place in a workshop held on Friday morning, and was followed by a meeting of the IFRF Members present to discuss the IFRF’s approach to meeting these R&D requirements within the IFRF Members’ Research Programme.
There was general agreement that the TOTeM was most successful and that the meeting benefited from being timed to follow the A-JFRC International Symposium. The John Zink Co sponsorship was much appreciated.
In due course the full report of the meeting will be prepared and published on http://www.ifrf.net.
TOTeM 30 attendees outside the meeting venue