• MIT research finds “firm” low carbon sources vital to affordably reduce power sector emissions to zero

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      Patrick Lavery

      Combustion Industry News Editor

  • A new paper by researchers at MIT (separate to the one mentioned in the news about California) has argued that policy makers should not close the door on any technology that can offer low-carbon power generation. The authors suggest a new means of thinking of generation sources – “variable renewable” such as wins and solar, “fast-burn” such as batteries and peaking plants, and “firm” low carbon sources such as nuclear, CCS-equipped conventional power generation, and large hydropower. According to the summary provided by Axios, future power networks will need to rely on firm low carbon sources to affordably get emissions down to zero, with the availability of these firm sources reducing costs by as much as 62%. The well-regarded research will be of interest to policy makers and power generators around the world.

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