• ‘Additive manufacturing’ is a hot topic in Paris!

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      Lucy Straker

      IFRF Administration & Communication Coordinator

On Wednesday 5th February, IFRF co-hosted TOTeM47 (Topic Orientated Technical Meeting) in association with our Comité Français and main sponsor Fives, in Paris, France.

We were joined by 37 delegates and speakers (from six countries) at Fives’ Headquarters in the French capital, for what turned out to be a very engaging and enlightening event. We would like to thank our main sponsor, Fives Group, for facilitating this event in the centre of Paris, and the Comité Français of the IFRF for the co-organisation.

Participants came from a range of backgrounds and specialities including combustion equipment suppliers, laboratories, design offices, additive manufacturing machines and service providers. Participants were able to exchange on advantages and disadvantages of additive manufacturing (AM) for high temperature application such as burners and heat exchangers. AM has the potential to revolutionise the manufacture and performance of combustion equipment. But, even though the first AM devices are already in service, there is still a lot to do. For example, the availability of the source material and knowledge of mechanical and physical properties.

Read Neil Fricker’s summary presentation of the event.

We asked everyone to share their thoughts through our evaluation form. The average overall score was 4.7 out of 5 (with 5 being ‘excellent’), with some stating the event was ‘enlightening’ and that they would go away with a ‘better awareness of the additive manufacturing process and its relevance and potential in the combustion industry’. We would like to thank everyone who provided their thoughts and feedback.

Additionally, 86% of responders declared an interest in joining a Specialised Networking Group focusing on the development and use of AM. If you are an IFRF member and would like to join the group, please contact us.

Another benefit for IFRF members from the event, is that all the presentations are now available to download from our website here for free. If you need help with your login details, please contact us.

You can also catch up with photos and tweets from the event in our #TOTeM47 Twitter Moment here.

And hands up if you’d like to learn more about upcoming IFRF events? Sign up to our event alerts here.