• 10th Clean Energy Ministerial meeting achieves intergovernmental agreement to develop hydrogen economy

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      Patrick Lavery

      Combustion Industry News Editor

The push to develop hydrogen as a fuel for a low-carbon future has taken another step forward, with the announcement of an international agreement at the 10th Clean Energy Ministerial meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, in late May. The agreement, which includes Canada, the United States, Japan, and the European Commission, will take a three-pronged approach: a) helping to ensure successful deployment of hydrogen within current industrial applications; b) enabling deployment of hydrogen technologies in transport; and c) exploring the role of hydrogen in meeting the energy needs of communities. The International Energy Agency will coordinate the work under the initiative. Industry has welcomed the news, with Air Liquide CEO Benoit Potier stating that industry is “ready to invest in hydrogen technology and set up large-scale projects to boost deployment” within supporting regulatory frameworks.